Join Cygnets Way co founder & visual artist, Erika deVries at Headstone Gallery, in Kingston, NY, for a closing celebration & a goodbye for now to her large scale neon work, The Weather. This piece has been a beacon for many coming out of the pandemic into our newly re-traumatized society.
The Weather
neon, aluminum framing, wiring
"You are the sky everything else is just the weather.” - Ani Pema Chödron
In my experience of being human, life is an ongoing alternation of feelings - connected & disconnected, large & small, overwhelming & numbing. This work- titled ‘The Weather ‘ serves as a reminder of our significance and insignificance, our peacefulness and our turmoil, our interconnectedness and our individuality, as well as the temporality of it all.
How do we reside in being the sky and appreciate the constant parade and patterns of the weather?